HELLO EVERYONE! I am so happy that you are checking out my school website. I would love to take this opportunity to tell you a bit about myself. 

It's really hard to believe another year is over! I think my heart has finally been fulfilled with such joy from my students that I could never thank them enough. I have never been so touched my such giving and caring students... you know who you are... you made me cry like a little baby when I had to say goodbye. As most of you know, I have resigned my position in the Mitchell School District due to my husband's job requiring us to relocate. I am deeply saddened by all of this. I am going to miss my students and staff so much! I have had a wonderful opportunity to be employed in such a wonderful school district and at a terrific school. I am so happy to have been teaching 3rd grade because of all the new concepts learned throughout the year. 

I graduated from Dakota Wesleyan University with Honors and received my Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education with a Middle School Endorsement as well. I am currently working on my Master's Degree through Black Hills State University in Curriculum and Instruction with a Reading Specialist.

Many of the children often ask me if I am married and the answer to that is YES! My husband's name is Cory. We have been married for 5 years as of September 2006.  Cory finished up his 15 month tour in Afghanistan training the Afghanistan National Army.  He left March 1, 2006. He got home June 18, 2007.

The next question I always am asked is "do you have any kids?" The answer to this is NO. I do not have any kids, but I have 2 dogs, Dusty and Ernie, who keep me so busy right now that I am exhausted enough with that. They are a handful! haha They are REALLY spoiled! Ernie is the one on the upper left and Dusty is in the lower right.

My favorite things to do with my spare time is spending time with my family at the lake and on the boat. I love going boating and camping and doing some extreme tubing behind a boat. Another thing I love to do is read when I have time (which isn't often). But hopefully with school starting that will change. One of my biggest downfalls is reality TV. I love American Idol, Big Brother, and the Amazing Race...I don't know what it is, but they are so addicting haha.

So that is a bit about me. I can't wait to get to know each and everyone of you as well. I truly feel that a strong relationship is necessary between the teacher, parent, and child to help in the success of education.  If you ever need any ideas to work with your child at home, please feel free to email me and I will try to help you as much as possible.

Thank you, Mrs. Begley